Your placement is an important and exciting part of your learning experience and a valuable part of your degree. Use this section to get prepared and access the information that you'll need while you're on placement.

Please read the Important placement documents page, as this includes information about health and safety on work placement, Public Liability Insurance and travel documents for international placements.

Check the settling into your placement page for top tips on getting started, if you're a bit unsure during your placement, and what you can do to prepare for your final year.

If you're doing a work placement overseas, make sure that you've covered all of the practical arrangements, including travel insurance and visas. Or, if you're an international student looking to do a placement find out what your options are.

Plus, all the need to know information about placement year funding, tuition fees, and useful contact details for Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬and other external support, or if there's an emergency.

Looking after your health and wellbeing on placement